Saturday, April 7, 2012

Back and Biceps Split

This workout can be done at the gym or at home - you can use a bench or stability ball for the lying exercises.

Superset #1
Bent Over Double Arm Row - tip from the hip - arms hang down, palms face each other - row the weights to your sides (lower rib cage) - SQUEEZE YOUR SHOULDER BLADES TOGETHER!!!
Lying Pullover - (one or two weights) lie down - arms straight over your chest - keep your arms straight as you drop them behind your head

Superset #2
Standing Alternating Biceps Curl - Curl one weight up at a time - start with your palms facing your body - at the top of the curl turn the weight so your palm faces your shoulder
Standing 21s - 7 reps of a bottom half curl, 7 reps of a top half curl and then 7 reps of a complete full range curl

Superset #3
Double Arm Bent Over Row - reverse grip - tip from the hip - arms hang down - palms face back - row the weights up and out as your elbows come in line with your shoulders (like a scarecrow)
Seated Concentration Curl - Sit down and hang one of your arms against your inner thigh (your elbow should be on the inside of your thigh) - curl the weight all the way up

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