Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Back and Shoulders

12-15 reps of each exercise
3 sets of each Super or Giant Set

Giant Set #1
Lawnmower/ Standing One Arm Row - in a lunge position, leaning on the front leg, palm faces your opp leg, row the weight up towards you lower rib cage as you rotate your torso slightly at the top - heavy weight
Lying Pullover - lying down holding the weight directly above your chest, elbows slightly bent, slowly lower the weight  behind your head as far as you can keeping your arms as straight as you can, slowly pull it back over your chest - one heavy weight
Standing Overhead Shoulder Press - palms face forward, start the weights just above your shoulders, push overhead - medium weight

Giant Set #2
Bent Over Reverse Fly - standing, tip at the hip as parallel to the floor as you can - keep a flat back - palms face eachother, bring them out to the sides as far back as you can - light to medium weight
Standing Side Raise - weights by your sides, palms face your body, lift weights with almost straight arms to shoulder height - light weight
Hammer Grip Front Raise - weights by your sides, palms face your body, lift the weights straight out in front to shoulder height - light weight

SuperSet #3

Upright Row - standing, holding weights in front of thighs, palms face your body - pull weights up your body to underneath your chin, leading with your elbows - medium weight
T, Y and I - this is a combination of 3 moves - hold weights by your side - (1) perform 1 side raise for a 'T' then return them back down (2) bring the weights up and out as if you were making a 'Y' and then return them back down (3) bring the weights straight in front and then directly overhead to make an 'I' - light weight

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